Life moved on.


I never thought this blog would still have traffic coming in, nor having anyone looking at it to begin with.

Thank you for all the comments and all the fellow bloggers who took time to post their thoughts and feedback.

However for me, life have taken few unexpected turns, I moved to another country, changed jobs few times since I last posted here, changed name.

Not until I was cut off from my kids, I wanted to find something to create as a beacon so they can find me in the future when grown up, find it and get to read the stories that were never told to them.

Best of Luck everyone,


Self-deception and Self-Betrayal …

It’s well known the events Egypt has been living lately …

During this time I wrote a small memo that I decided to keep from myself and never publish it, however, I’ll post small portions of it, and how I decided to transform, and what I decided to do next …

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A Book worm…

In a previous blog entry, I’ve mentioned some guy on the internet who used to read 80~90 books per year…

Well, I met one of those book worms in the flesh…

We needed to upgrade one of the most critical network systems at work to the newest release, and the vendor sent out one of his best guys, he was named Scott…

When he showed up on Thursday, he had a book (a pretty thick one) with a bookmarker in the middle of it, we had a quick meeting, decided what to be done and when, and that was it for the day, nothing big…

At night (Friday night), when we went to implement the actual upgrade, the guy showed up with an entirely new book, almost as thick as the one I saw with him this morning, and to my surprise, the bookmarker was in the middle of that book too !!!

When we were half way through the upgrade process, we took a break and I decided to ask him; "So, you usually hop across books ? maybe you don’t want to be bored by reading only one?", he replied; "No, what made you say that?", I couldn’t help to tell him my observation…

And he just said,"Naaaah,I’ve finished the other book, and started this one today" …

And I dared to ask him, "how many books do you usually read per month?", he just thought briefly and said "mmmmm, around 25 to 30 books per month, when I had to move to another house I faced a major problem moving my library along with me, 30 or 35 big boxes all full of books, it was a nightmare, not to mention the books I had to leave behind, and the books had to sell" …

We needed to continue on Saturday night, and yet again the guy showed up with yet another book, with the bookmarker near the beginning of it this time, seeing the question in my eyes he simply explained without being actually asked; "I had a long night sleep, didn’t have much time to read" …


Man, I miss lots of things;

I miss Dubai, the quality of life, the manners of driving,enjoying driving at 140~160 Km/hr without worrying some @!&^%@^&!#!@# will just jump in front of you, the sun set on the gulf shore, the BBQ in the open air, the vast green parks, how people (well most of them) respect each other, how the police employees respect everyone (almost everyone), shopping for fruits and vegetables without worrying about (is it OK? or is it contaminated!), and best of all, ice skiing…

 IMG_1550 IMG_0067

I miss ITWorx, the open doors policy, how things are just simple and straight forward (I’m talking about people’s attitude with each other), the fun, the flexible working hours system, taking only 15 mins to/from home…

I miss lots of my friends, Khaled, Shihab, Montasir, Emad, Fahad, the people whom I shared with all the outings, all the laughter, all the movies, all the pop corn, all the BBQs, basically everything fun in life…

But after all this is life, things come and go, people come and go, eventually the one will leave everything behind, the only thing would be left are memories; sweet memories…

At the end of day, I’m just a human, I can’t help looking back in time and wish it back…, is GONE !!!!

The title says it all….

Yesterday, was working just fine, today, if you browse to it will redirect you to

So soon !!!!! It seems it was prepared to go live once the acquisition is approved…

Lustre “possibly the best distributed filesystem for linux” is now no longer available for download… only via a BUY NOW link !!!!! or go get the source code for GIT …

Who knows what’s next ?!!!

My advice to you; grab what you can as soon as possible, it will all be gone soon…

Man, I hate Oracle…

– quick update; as of today (1st feb. 2009), the lustre filesystem download is now open again, the way it was…

Have you ever felt that ?

Have you ever felt so much pressure that you want to through yourself off the window from the 13th Floor, or crash the car you’re driving into that solid concrete wall ??

I feel like doing so right at this very instance, so much pressure that my head will burst, so much pressure that my heart will explode…

Even though the A/C is set to 23°C, I feel that it’s burning around me, it’s not work pressure, it’s just life pressure, everything, just everything is not doing well…

And I don’t even want to talk about it…

Let’s start reading, let’s keep learning…

A few days back, I was thinking, how much books should the one read in average ?!

So, I decided to ask the man’s best friend, Google, sorry dogs it’s just google is more useful nowadays, at least for me, nothing personal :D  ….

Anyway, I came across someone’s blog who asked this in his blog, and for my surprise, the guy mentioned that he reads 40~50 books per year !!!!!

40 books?? come on, for god’s sake !!!! that would mean around 3 books per month ?!

And yet more, there was some reply from some other guy who mentioned that he reads 80~90 books per year !!!!!! That means 6~7 books per month…

Those guys really made feel that I’m just like an animal, eats, drinks, hunt for food (work), sleep, and that’s it !!!

I’ve spent the past 1.5 months reading a book (about 900 pages), and yet I didn’t finish it …

So, here’s what I decided to do, the moment that I stop learning will be the moment I die…

Why not? I’m still young, healthy, I have the internet right under my finger tips, instead of spending time watching some silly TV series, why not open a book ?!

This doesn’t mean that I’ll bury myself, no, it just means that I need to do better and I can do better to educate myself, enhance my way of thinking, advance my career …

So, let’s start reading, let’s keep learning…

Been a while…

Hello there everyone, been a while since my last post…

I’ve been terribly busy with lots of stuff at work, family, and even I had my PC crashed a few times…

During this period I was away, I was hit by several situations ranging from small financial stuff, to a scandal where I discovered that my employer is spying on all of its employees (will talk about this in a separate post), to a client who just ran away with all my effort without paying for it, to a client who is going down financially (he didn’t pay his bills for over 4 months), to the fact that a former employer of mine is also going down financially …

The overall experience from the past few days/weeks made me take some radical decisions that will shape the upcoming few years of my life, however, I can’t reveal any of them yet…

However, this just a small post stating one thing, I’m back 🙂 …

I should have done it while I could…

Tonight, I’ve just finished watching this movie, it’s called He’s just not that into you, it was a really nice movie, I like it….

For a moment, actually lots of moments, I felt that I can see my life being displayed on that silver screen !!!!

I mean, that is just me, that what did happen to me, I was in shock, part of that movie was telling some part of my life, and I walked out of it speechless, not the movie was “WOW” it’s just a nice movie, but it made me think over about things…

Lots of things, choices I’ve made, things I just passed either because someone didn’t like, or things I accepted because someone would be happy with…

Why on earth did I do this??

Also I had that chance, golden chance; to set things right for me once again, and yet I just didn’t take it, why? because it would have made someone sad, and now it too late…

I mean, what about me? what did I get in return? Am I really that demanding?

I’m just lost…I really should have done it while I could…

Thinking Green…Vertical Axis Wind Turbine…

Green energy, free power, it’s all concepts we dream of, and some of us may have thought about it deeply, esp. with all oil prices rising sky-high (it used to reach over 100$), now it’s relatively low, but eventually it will rise again…

Also not to mention the amount of carbon-dioxide produced from burning the oil…

As if that isn’t enough, the efficiency of oil-based generators is very very low, as low as 30%, which basically means, if an amount of gasoline burns producing 100 watts worth of power, at the generator output you only get 30 watts of electric power, the remaining (70 watts) are simple wasted…

So if you pay 100$ for gasoline in a generator, you’re wasting 70$, and only making use of 30$ !!!!

So, green energy to rescue…

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